Common Lipidomics Databases and Software

Overview of Lipidomics Databases

Lipidomics databases are repositories that store extensive information on lipids, including their structures, functions, and pathways. These databases are essential for:

  • Cataloging lipid molecules and their derivatives
  • Providing reference data for lipid identification and quantification
  • Facilitating the study of lipid metabolic pathways

Selecting the right database involves considering factors such as data comprehensiveness, ease of access, update frequency, and integration capabilities with analytical software.

LIPID MAPS (Lipid Metabolites and Pathways Strategy)


LIPID MAPS is a comprehensive database designed to support lipidomics research by providing detailed information on lipid classification, structure, and pathways. It was established as part of a consortium aimed at advancing the understanding of lipid biology and metabolism.

Key Features

  • Extensive Lipid Classification System: LIPID MAPS offers a well-organized classification system that categorizes lipids into eight main categories: fatty acyls, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, sterol lipids, prenol lipids, saccharolipids, and polyketides.
  • Detailed Structural Information: Each lipid entry includes detailed structural data, including molecular formulas, SMILES strings, and 2D/3D structures.
  • Pathway Information: The database provides comprehensive pathway maps that illustrate lipid metabolic processes and interactions.
  • Integration with Other Databases: LIPID MAPS is linked with other biochemical databases such as KEGG, HMDB, and PubChem, enhancing its utility for researchers.

How to Use

1. Access the LIPID MAPS Website: Navigate to LIPID MAPS.

2. Search for Lipids: Use the search function to find specific lipids by name, structure, category, or pathway.

3. Explore Lipid Information: Click on lipid entries to view detailed information, including structure, mass spectra, and associated pathways.

4. Utilize Tools: Use the various tools available on the platform for lipid classification, mass spectrometry analysis, and pathway visualization.



LipidBank is a curated lipid database maintained by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). It focuses on providing detailed structural and compositional data for lipids, making it a valuable resource for both research and clinical applications.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Structural Data: LipidBank offers detailed structural information, including molecular weight, chemical formula, and structural diagrams.
  • Annotations for Lipid-Related Diseases: The database includes annotations linking lipids to various diseases, aiding in the study of lipid-related pathologies.
  • Analytical Tools: LipidBank provides tools for lipid analysis and comparison, supporting the identification and characterization of lipid species.

How to Use

1. Navigate to the LipidBank Website: Visit LipidBank.

2. Search for Lipids: Use filters such as lipid category, structure, or disease association to find specific lipids.

3. Access Detailed Records: Click on lipid entries to view comprehensive details, including structural diagrams, molecular data, and disease associations.

4. Utilize Analysis Tools: Employ the analytical tools provided for comparing lipid structures and properties.



SwissLipids is a specialized database developed by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB). It provides detailed annotations of lipid species and their biological roles, integrating data from multiple sources to offer a holistic view of lipidomics.

Key Features

  • Extensive Annotations: SwissLipids offers detailed annotations for a wide range of lipid species, including structural information, biological roles, and pathway data.
  • Pathway Integration: The database integrates lipid data with metabolic and signaling pathways, facilitating the study of lipid metabolism in various biological contexts.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering Options: Users can search for lipids based on a variety of criteria, including lipid class, structure, and biological function.

How to Use

1. Visit the SwissLipids Website: Go to SwissLipids.

2. Search for Lipids: Utilize the advanced search interface to find lipids based on specific criteria.

3. Explore Lipid Data: View detailed information on lipid structure, biological roles, and pathways.

4. Integrate with Pathways: Use the pathway integration feature to explore how lipids interact within metabolic and signaling pathways.

HMDB (Human Metabolome Database)


HMDB is a comprehensive metabolomics database that includes a wide range of metabolites, including lipids. It is a crucial resource for both lipidomics and broader metabolomics research, providing extensive data on metabolite properties and biological functions.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Metabolite Data: HMDB includes detailed information on a vast array of metabolites, including chemical structures, physical properties, and biological activities.
  • Biological and Clinical Information: The database provides extensive annotations linking metabolites to biological functions and clinical data, aiding in the study of metabolite roles in health and disease.
  • Integration with Other Omics Data: HMDB is integrated with other omics data, such as genomics and proteomics, facilitating multi-omics studies.

How to Use

1. Access the HMDB Website: Navigate to HMDB.

2. Search for Metabolites: Use the search bar to find specific lipids or other metabolites.

3. View Metabolite Profiles: Explore detailed profiles that include structural information, physical properties, and biological roles.

4. Integrate with Other Data: Utilize the multi-omics integration feature to study metabolites in the context of broader biological systems.

Overview of Lipidomics Software Tools

Lipidomics software tools are essential for the analysis and interpretation of lipidomics data. These tools assist in:

  • Identifying and quantifying lipid species
  • Analyzing lipid metabolic pathways
  • Visualizing lipidomics data

When selecting software tools, consider their analytical capabilities, user interface, compatibility with databases, and support for data visualization.



LipidSearch is a powerful software tool developed by Thermo Fisher Scientific for the identification and quantification of lipids from mass spectrometry data. It supports high-throughput lipidomics analysis and is widely used in research laboratories.

Key Features

  • Robust Lipid Identification and Quantification: LipidSearch can identify and quantify a wide range of lipid species from LC-MS and MS/MS data.
  • Comprehensive Database: The software includes an extensive lipid database that covers various lipid classes, including glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and sterols.
  • Advanced Data Visualization: LipidSearch provides tools for visualizing lipidomics data, such as chromatograms, mass spectra, and lipid pathway maps.
  • Compatibility with Multiple Platforms: The software supports data from various mass spectrometry platforms, making it versatile and widely applicable.

How to Use

1. Install LipidSearch: Obtain and install the software from the Thermo Fisher Scientific website.

2. Load Mass Spectrometry Data: Import your LC-MS or MS/MS data files into the software.

3. Configure Settings: Set the parameters for lipid identification, including the choice of database and search settings.

4. Run Analysis: Execute the analysis to identify and quantify lipids in your samples.

5. Review Results: Examine the identified lipids and their quantification using the provided visualization tools. Export the results for further analysis or reporting.

LIMSA (Lipid Mass Spectrum Analysis)


LIMSA is a user-friendly software tool designed for the analysis of lipid mass spectra. It is suitable for both targeted and untargeted lipidomics studies and is developed as an open-source platform, making it accessible to the research community.

Key Features

  • Intuitive User Interface: LIMSA offers an easy-to-use interface that simplifies the analysis process, making it accessible to researchers with varying levels of expertise.
  • Advanced Algorithms for Lipid Identification: The software employs sophisticated algorithms to accurately identify and quantify lipids from mass spectrometry data.
  • Integration with Lipid Databases: LIMSA integrates with several lipid databases, enhancing its capability to identify a wide range of lipid species.
  • Open-Source Availability: As an open-source tool, LIMSA is freely available, and its source code can be modified to suit specific research needs.

How to Use

1. Download and Install LIMSA: Obtain the software from the LIMSA project website and follow the installation instructions.

2. Import Mass Spectrometry Data: Load your mass spectrometry data files into the software.

3. Set Analysis Parameters: Configure the analysis settings, including the selection of lipid databases and identification criteria.

4. Execute Analysis: Run the analysis to identify and quantify lipids in your samples.

5. Visualize and Export Results: Use the built-in tools to visualize the results. Export the data for further analysis or publication.



LipidXplorer is an open-source software tool designed for shotgun lipidomics. It allows for the identification of lipids without predefined databases, making it highly flexible for discovering novel lipids and analyzing complex lipidomes.

Key Features

  • Database-Independent Lipid Identification: LipidXplorer can identify lipids based on user-defined lipid templates, allowing for the discovery of novel lipid species.
  • High-Throughput Analysis: The software supports high-throughput analysis of mass spectrometry data, making it suitable for large-scale lipidomics studies.
  • Customizable Analysis Parameters: Researchers can customize the analysis parameters and lipid templates to suit their specific research needs.
  • Open-Source Platform: LipidXplorer is available as an open-source tool, allowing for modifications and extensions by the research community.

How to Use

1. Install LipidXplorer: Download and install the software from the LipidXplorer project website.

2. Import Raw Data Files: Load your raw mass spectrometry data files into the software.

3. Define Lipid Templates: Create or import lipid templates that describe the lipid species you are interested in identifying.

4. Run the Search: Execute the search to identify lipids in your samples based on the defined templates.

5. Review and Curate Results: Examine the identified lipids and curate the results as needed. Export the data for further analysis.



MS-DIAL is a versatile software tool developed for the analysis of mass spectrometry data, including lipidomics. It offers comprehensive features for data processing, identification, and visualization, supporting a wide range of metabolomics and lipidomics workflows.

Key Features

  • Wide Range of Supported Workflows: MS-DIAL supports various workflows, including targeted and untargeted lipidomics, metabolomics, and proteomics.
  • Advanced Peak Detection and Alignment: The software employs sophisticated algorithms for accurate peak detection, deconvolution, and alignment of mass spectrometry data.
  • Integration with Multiple Databases: MS-DIAL integrates with several lipid and metabolite databases, enhancing its identification capabilities.
  • Comprehensive Visualization Tools: The software provides robust tools for visualizing mass spectrometry data, including chromatograms, heatmaps, and pathway maps.

How to Use

1. Download and Install MS-DIAL: Obtain the software from the MS-DIAL website and follow the installation instructions.

2. Load Mass Spectrometry Data: Import your data files into the software.

3. Configure Processing Parameters: Set the parameters for peak detection, alignment, and identification, selecting the appropriate databases for your analysis.

4. Perform Analysis: Run the data processing and identification workflow.

5. Visualize and Export Results: Use the visualization tools to explore the results. Export the data for further interpretation or publication.

General Workflow of Lipidomics for Breast Cancer Research.General Workflow of Lipidomics for Breast Cancer Research. Three main steps to lipidomic analysis include sample preparation, MS-Detection, and Data Analysis (Ward et al., 2021).

Practical Workflows for Database and Software Integration

Workflow Example 1: Lipid Identification and Quantification

  • Data Acquisition: High-resolution mass spectrometry data is collected from biological samples, capturing the complex mixture of lipids present.
  • Database Search: The mass spectrometry data is uploaded to LIPID MAPS. The database provides initial identification by matching the observed mass spectra with known lipid species.
  • Software Analysis: The preliminary list of identified lipids is then imported into LipidSearch. This software performs a more refined analysis, utilizing its extensive lipid database to quantify each identified lipid accurately.
  • Validation: To ensure the accuracy of the identified lipids, researchers cross-reference the results with HMDB. This step not only confirms the identities of the lipids but also provides additional information on their biological roles and associations with diseases.

Workflow Example 2: Novel Lipid Discovery

  • Data Acquisition: Shotgun lipidomics is performed to obtain a comprehensive profile of lipids in the sample without prior separation.
  • Software Analysis: LipidXplorer, which does not rely on predefined databases, is used to analyze the raw mass spectrometry data. This flexibility allows for the identification of novel lipids that may not be present in existing databases.
  • Database Integration: Once novel lipids are identified, SwissLipids and LipidBank are used to annotate these lipids. These databases provide detailed structural information and functional annotations, helping to understand the biological significance of the newly discovered lipids.
  • Pathway Analysis: The annotated lipids are then imported into MS-DIAL, which integrates them into known metabolic pathways. This step provides insights into how the novel lipids interact within the broader context of cellular metabolism.


  1. Ward, Ashley V., Steven M. Anderson, and Carol A. Sartorius. "Advances in analyzing the breast cancer lipidome and its relevance to disease progression and treatment." Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia 26.4 (2021): 399-417.
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